New Brunswick Leagues
Do you want to play friendly tennis matches? Meet new playing partners at a similar level? Track your scores, progress, and even win prizes along the way? Tennis New Brunswick and the Abony Family Tennis Center, in partnership with Tennis Canada, have launched a Pilot Singles Community Tennis League in Fredericton. See details below and register to join!
This league is open to all players aged 18 years or older. League registration is organized into three divisions based on skill level (see below). Within each division, players will be placed in a group with 3 other players.
beginner (2.5 and below) (ready for my first match)
intermediate (3.0 - 3.5) (I have match play experience and can rally consistently)
advanced (4.0 and above) (I have a reliable, solid game built over years of match play)
Fredericton Community Tennis League
2025 session dates are coming soon! Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know when registration opens.
Scoring Format:
One Pro-set (60mins): The first player to win 10 games, wins the match. If the score reaches 9 games all, the winner of the next game wins the match (10-9). There will be no tie-breakers.
Matches can be played at any of the outdoor courts in Fredericton (or at the Abony Family Tennis Center). Please note that players cannot formally book outdoor courts so you may have to wait to get started and the protocol is that you play for a maximum of one hour if others are waiting.
Both players should bring a new can of Pro Penn Marathon tennis balls, one will be used for the match and the winner will keep the unused can.
The entry fee is $20+tax per session (Please note that the entry fee does not cover the cost of courts i.e. if the match is played indoors.)
Sign up for a session and receive a free can of Pro Penn Marathon tennis balls.
Play 2 or more matches and receive a $5 virtual Tim Horton’s gift card.
Play all your box matches and get entered into a draw for a chance to win a grand prize at the end of each session. .
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