Alberta Leagues
Do you want to play friendly tennis matches? Meet new playing partners at a similar level? Track your scores, progress, and even win prizes along the way? Tennis Alberta and Edmonton Tennis Community, in partnership with Tennis Canada, has launched Community Tennis Leagues in multiple municipalities across Alberta. Select a league near you and register to join!
This league is open to all players aged 18 years or older. Teams can be composed of any combination of genders. When entering a doubles league, only one player in the pair will have to submit an entry and pay the entry fee on behalf of the team. Doubles League registration is organized into two divisions based on skill level:
beginner/intermediate (2.5-3.5)
avancé (4.0 et plus)
Calgary Community Tennis League
Les dates des sessions 2025 arrivent bientôt ! Abonnez-vous à notre infolettre pour être les premiers informés de l'ouverture des inscriptions.
Formats de match
Summer Session: Beginner divisions: Best of 3 sets with a super tie break (to 10 points) in lieu of a 3rd set. Regular tie breaker scoring (to 7 points) on normal sets. Intermediate/Advanced divisions: Best of 3 sets, tie breaker to 7 points.
Fall/Winter Session: Pro-set
Edmonton Community Tennis League
This league is operated by Edmonton Tennis Community
This league is open to all players aged 18 years or older. Teams can be composed of any combination of genders. When entering a doubles league, only one player in the pair will have to submit an entry and pay the entry fee on behalf of the team. Doubles League registration is organized into two divisions based on skill level:
beginner/intermediate (2.5-3.5)
avancé (4.0 et plus)
Winter Session: Jan 15 - Feb 22 Registration: Dec 22 - Jan 13
Interested in playing singles? See Singles Leagues offered in Alberta here
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Vous ne trouvez pas de ligue dans votre région ?
Demandez une LTR dans votre municipalité.